About the Journal
Focus and Scope
«Musica Docta» is a digital peer-reviewed journal born in 2010 as a project of SagGEM (Gruppo per l’Educazione Musicale del «Saggiatore musicale»). The journal is dedicated to publishing studies in the field of pedagogy and music education, in Italian, French, English, Spanish, and German. The expression Musica docta refers, on the one hand, to the appreciation of art music – without prejudice to other music genres and traditions – and on its transmission in the educational experience, on the other hand.
«Musica Docta» embraces the idea of culture promoted by SagGEM, and shares its ambition to fuel a permanent debate on Music education, while providing authoritative cultural referents, suggestions for work corroborated by research and experience, and influencing the world of politics and administration both at the central and peripheral levels – all this in the interest of a cultural policy built around music as knowledge.
Since 2011 «Musica Docta» has been indexed on DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals. In addition, each article is labeled with a DOI code – Digital Object Identifier.
Since 2015 “Musica Docta” has been rated as a “Class A” journal by ANVUR (the Italian rating agency for scientific journals) in the list for Area 10 - Antiquities, philology, literary studies, art history, sector C1 - Theatre, Music, Cinema, Television and Audiovisual Media.
- Articles
- Opinion Pages
- Reviews
- Educational Paths
Peer Review Process
All articles are sent for examination to two advisors, and their opinion is reported to the authors in detail, in writing. Submissions are reviewed anonymously (double blind peer review). The documents, in French, English, Italian, Spanish or German, are to be emailed to the Journal Manager, along with an abstract (200 words) and 5 keywords. Preference will be given to articles that do not exceed 10 pages in print (about 20.000 strokes).
Luca Aversano (Roma), Lorenzo Bianconi (Bologna), Andrea Chegai (Roma), Carla Cuomo (Bologna), Rossella D’Ugo (Urbino), Anna Ficarella (Roma), Maurizio Giani (Bologna), Paolo Gozza (Bologna), Giovanni Guanti (Roma), Berta Martini (Urbino), Stefano Melis (Sassari), Maria Teresa Moscato (Bologna), Giorgio Pagannone (Chieti-Pescara), Massimo Raffa (Perugia), Cesarino Ruini (Bologna), Daniele Sabaino (Cremona), Graziella Seminara (Catania), Paolo Somigli (Bolzano), Nico Staiti (Bologna).
Alfonso Alberti (Conservatorio Bergamo), Maria Teresa Arfini (UniRoma3), Andrea Apostoli (AIGAM-Roma), Annemarie Augschöll (UniBz), Luca Aversano (UniRoma3), Aloma Bardi (Firenze-Ann Arbor), Luca Barra (UniBo), Paola Besutti (UniTe), Lorenzo Bianconi (UniBo), Giorgio Biancorosso (Un. Hong-Kong), Giorgio Bolondi (UniBz), Sergio Bonanzinga (UniPa), Luca Bragalini (Conservatorio Marenzio, Brescia), Michele Cagol (UniBz), Barbara Caprara (UniBz), Daniela Castaldo (UniSalento), Roberto Caterina (UniBo), Amalia Collisani (UniPa), Franz Comploi (UniBz), Antonella Coppi (UniBz), Carla Cuomo (UniBo), Paolo Cecchi (UniBo), Silvia Dal Negro (UniBz), Paolo Fabbri (UniFe) Mario Falanga (UniBz), Elisabetta Fava (UniTo), Monica Fini (Bologna), Giuliana Fugazzotto (Bologna), Paolo Gallarati (UniTo), Maria Rosa De Luca (UniCt), Maurizio Giani (UniBo), Adriana Guarnieri (UniVe), Gerardo Guccini (UniBo), Nicoletta Guidobaldi (UniBo), Veronica Innocenti (UniBo), Saverio Lamacchia (UniBo), Cecilia Lazzaretti (UniBz), Federico Lazzaro (Un. Montreal, CA), Alessandro Luigini (UniBz), Maria Luisi (UniBo), Julia Lutz (Essen, D), Andrea Malvano (UniTo), Susanna Pasticci (UniCassino), Carlo Piccardi (Lugano), Giorgio Pestelli (UniTo), Pier Paolo Polzonetti (Un. California), Massimo Privitera (UniPa), Ingrid Pustijanac (UniPv), Anna Quaranta (Accademia Pianistica Imola), Enrico Reggiani (UniMi), Donatella Restani (UniBo), Alessandro Roccatagliati (UniFe), Stefania Roncroffi (Castelnovo ne’ monti), Daniele Sabaino (UniPv), Giuseppe Sanfratello (UniCt), Sarah Schrott (UniBz), Maria Semi (UniBo), Graziella Seminara (UniCt), Marissa Silvermann (Monclair State Un., NJ), Chiara Sintoni (UniPv), Johannes van der Sandt (UniBz), Pietro Zappalà (UniPv).
Publication Frequency
«Musica Docta» is a yearly journal updated on a regular basis.
Open Access Policy
«Musica Docta» is an open access digital journal issued under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, with the seal Approved for Free Cultural Works.
With this license, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute and/or copy their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author and redistributed under the same licence as the original. It is not necessary to ask further permissions both to author or journal board.
The journal allows the reprinting of postprint on other websites or institutional archives, also in the definitive editorial version.
The journal considers also the publication of preprint which have been already published or inserted in institutional archives.
PDF articles can be accessed directly. To keep up with new issues and updates, we suggest that you register with our website.
Publication Fees
The journal has neither article processing charges nor submission processing fees.
«Musica Docta» adopts the AlmaDL Journals Code of Ethics.
The code is inspired by the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in particular to the COPE Core Practices and its Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.
All parties involved in the editorial process, editorial staff members, authors, reviewers must know and apply the ethical principles of that document.
Data Policy
When relevant, authors are encouraged to follow Open Science and FAIR principles by publishing the research data associated to their articles in trusted data repositories, according to the international best practices and data management guidelines.
Detailed information is reported in the AlmaDL Journals Data Policy.
Authors who are affiliated to the University of Bologna can publish their data in AMSActa, the institutional research data repository.
Indexing and abstracting
The Journal is indexed in the following databases:
- ACNP – Italian Catalogue of Serials
- BASE – Bielefield Academic Search Engine
- DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals
- Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek – Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg
- ERIH PLUS – European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences
- Google Scholar – Academic search engine
- JournalTOCs – Indice di letteratura scientifica
- ROAD - Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources
- Ulrich's – Global Serials Directory
- Worldcat – The world's largest library
Archiving Policy
As part of AlmaDL Journals, the Journal adopts a strategy to ensure long term preservation of the published content. Please see the archiving policy of the publishing service AlmaDL Journals.
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Alma Diamond – open scholarly communication
Via Zamboni 33,
40126 - Bologna (Italy)
Dipartimento delle Arti – DAR
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Via Barberia, 4
40123 - Bologna (Italy)