Musikpädagogisches Handeln. Begriffe, Erscheinungsformen, politische Dimensionen, a cura di Jens Knigge e Anne Niessen, Essen, Die Blaue Eule, 2012
The volume to be reviewed collects all contributions to the 2011 annual conference of the Arbeitskreis für Musikpädagogische Forschung (AMPF – Association for research on music pedagogy). It contains theoretical articles, which define the issues at hand, as well as empirical contributions on some specific aspects, the results of a session on the “JeKi” project (“Jedem Kind ein Instrument” – an instrument for every child), and a few essays that partially digress from the main theme. The notion at the centre of reflection is that of ‘pedagogic-musical action’ (Musikpädagogisches Handeln), which needs to be defined, exemplified, and contextualized.
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