«Musica Docta» is a digital peer-reviewed, open access journal born in 2010 as a project of SagGEM (Gruppo per l’Educazione Musicale del «Saggiatore musicale»). The journal is dedicated to publishing studies in the field of pedagogy and music education, in Italian, French, English, Spanish, and German. The expression Musica docta refers, on the one hand, to the appreciation of art music – without prejudice to other music genres and traditions – and on its transmission in the educational experience, on the other hand.

Editor in Chief: Giuseppina La Face (Bologna)
Managing Editor: Paolo Somigli (Bolzano)

Editorial board

The journal is rated "A", by the Italian academic research evaluation agency (ANVUR) for the Scientific Area 10 – Antiquities, philology, literary studies, art history, Sector C1 – Cinema, music, performing arts, television and media studies.

Current Issue

Vol. 13 (2023)
Published: 2023-12-14

Opinion Pages

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